
How to Care for Trees: Pine Trees vs. Deciduous Trees

In the wonderful and beautiful state of Arizona, you might have noticed that there aren’t many natural trees. Cacti and desert grass abound in bountiful quantities, but pine trees and deciduous trees are usually planted by landscapers to enhance the already beautiful countryside. They are a boon to homeowners and vegetation gazers alike because well-maintained trees and shrubs can increase property value by up to 14%.

Because these trees are being planted and grown in the harsh elements of Arizona, they have very specific care requirements. If you nurture and love them like a good tree owner should, they will be kind to you and reward you with shade and beauty. By selecting the right tree care services company to help you install and maintain them, your yard and property will be vastly improved.

In this short but informative article, we’ll go over how to take care of pine trees and deciduous trees for your Arizona yard. While both can survive if you give them enough love and care, you’ll want to engage in the help of a tree care services company to do the work that you are unable or feel unsafe doing. Extra help never hurt anyone!

Taking Care of Pine Trees

Pine trees are native out West and relatively hardy, but this depends on what area of Arizona you are in. They can survive with relatively little water but always appreciate more. Especially for those in the Phoenix Valley, your pine tree will require a bit more water. They are evergreen conifers that provide color and structure year-round, with many varieties and sizes. Some are dwarfs that are as small as 4 feet tall, while others can climb to well over 100 feet!

As long as they receive enough fertilizer and sun, pine trees are much hardier than other types of trees. They work well as windbreaks and privacy screens, providing broad coverage and blocking the elements out if planted in the correct places and patterns. They can also be quite large and cause damage if a branch falls or they are hurt in a storm, so you will always want to have experts in tree care services take care of major concerns when possible.

Slow-release fertilizer and wide-open spaces create some of the healthiest pines. In the second year of growth, pine trees appreciate two to four pounds of balanced fertilizer per 100 square feet of bedding. You can also incorporate this with mulch to provide water retention while feeding your trees. Most balanced fertilizers and mulch will be available at a quality garden supply store near you.

Pine trees don’t generally need to be pruned or cut very often. Light trims in the winter or whenever you see damage or breakage should be appropriate. Try not to cut off branches or do maintenance in wet weather, as pine trees are notorious for harboring spores and other organisms that can infect the exposed tree. For large trims or removal of branches, consult a tree care services company that you trust and that has experience with pine trees.

Giving Deciduous Trees Their Due

Taking care of deciduous trees can be a little different than pine trees in that they have the ability to create wide branches that give maximum shade. They can also be susceptible to water loss and other environmental factors, so you may want to get additional information from arborist services on how to maximize the trees in your yard during certain seasons and weather patterns.

In general, deciduous trees need lots of water and should be watered 2-3 times a week during their growing season. In the dry climate of Arizona, you should increase this watering as the heat increases to avoid drought damage. You may even want to consider installing a sprinkler system to do this automatically at night or when you’re away. There are many tree care services that give you expert advice on what might be best for your particular property.

As small saplings, they can be sensitive to wind and might need to be staked or have a tree wrap installed so that they don’t fall over or get uprooted. The general rule of thumb is to stake deciduous trees that are 2–2½ inch in diameter and larger, but remove these after 1 year or so.

Whether you’re growing leafy deciduous trees or prickly pine trees in your yard, remember to rely on expert tree care services in your area. Contact Trees for Needs today to learn more.

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